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Los Padillas Wildlife Sanctuary

Located on the campus of Los Padillas Elementary School

  • Address: 2525 Los Padillas Road SW, Albuquerque, NM 87105
  • Office Phone Number: (505) 877-0108
Students learning in the sanctuary


3rd Grade Signature Academic Field Experience

 In this 3.5-hour hands-on, experiential social studies and science integrated field program, all APS 3rd grade students have the opportunity to participate in a variety of outdoor learning activities that build upon and develop their sense of community, place, and habitats within the Albuquerque bosque and their local community.

A Day at Los Padillas Wildlife Sanctuary

Sanctuary History

The Sanctuary is 35 years old. It started as a vision from a teacher at Los Padillas named Dolores Varela-Phillips in 1988 after it was discovered that the school had an additional 4 ½ acres of land it didn’t know belonged to APS. It took four years to get approval, funded, and constructed. In 1992 it was completed and teachers began using the Sanctuary as an ecological teaching tool to connect students to the natural world around them, to elicit curiosity and environmental stewardship.  It originally contained a constructed wetlands that was used to educate current and future generations on the importance of functional wetlands. (They provide critical habitat for wildlife, water storage to prevent flooding and protect water quality, and recreational opportunities for wildlife watchers). At that time Los Padillas water supply was from a well. The water that fed the wetland was the gray water from the school. However, in 2009, Bernalillo County extended their waste water treatment facilities to this area and because of this,  Los Padillas water supply was tied into the City of Albuquerque’s main line. Therefore canceling the use of the gray water from the school and the wetlands could no longer be supported.The Sanctuary functioned at varying degrees throughout the years. This depended on the funding for a naturalist teacher, getting volunteers to work with children, and teachers valuing the outdoors as a teaching tool.  In 2018, Los Padillas was considered a failing school and was almost permanently closed. A principal, Cesar Hernandez,  was placed at Los Padillas on a rigorous plan to turn the school around. He worked with the staff and the Los Padillas Community. Together, they valued the Sanctuary and the benefits it could have for students.  Principal Hernandez championed for a Naturalist Resource Teacher and had a vision to share this learning tool with other students in APS. It was through this vision that the 3rd Grade Field Experience: Community, Place and Habitat was conceived and came to fruition. All 5000+ 3rd graders in APS get to come to the Sanctuary for an outdoor learning experience. In addition, Mrs. Wimberly, the naturalist resource teacher, brings all Los Padillas students to the Sanctuary for extended learning experiences.

Students learning in the Bosque Classroom


Community Partners

First Nations Community Healthsource logo
Friends of Valle de Oro logo
Bernalillo County logo
Bosque Ecosystem Monitoring Program logo
Enchanted Equine Adventures logo
NM PBS logo
National Park Service logo